Sydney: super large gold coins have been found in Australia. Coin weighs about a ton and a diameter of 80 centimeters has also been exhibited in the meeting the Head of the Commonwealth Government in Perth, Western Australia, since last Friday.
Page NHK proclaim, Sunday (30/10), gold coins valued worth 1.07 million U.S. dollars or about Rp 9.4 billion. However, the gold contained in the coin is valued worth 55 million U.S. dollars or the equivalent of about USD 483 billion.
Coins that have a design image of a kangaroo and Queen Elizabeth II. Coins made from Perth Mint, the historic precious metal mint, it's on display to welcome the arrival of Queen Elizabeth II in a meeting last Friday.
Coin weighs four times heavier than coins that are found in Canada four years ago. Not only that, this coin is also crowned as the largest coin in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records. (
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