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Friday, April 1, 2011

The Science behind Health Provisions in Ancient Writings

Among the many sacred writings spanning all religions, the Bible stands out as being the most unique in having a huge chunk of one section devoted to health provisions, which include various dietary requirements that seem strange to untrained eyes. In fact, many people, both historically and in the modern day, believe that the Old Testament provisions, which are still followed by modern Jews today, were set forth simply to differentiate God’s chosen people from their neighboring nations.

But modern day science has a different opinion about the health provisions, ranging from diet to hygiene, and even to treatments for various contagious sicknesses. Many physicians are baffled to find out that generations before blood was first discovered as the life-giving component of living things, the Bible already mentioned it as the life of an animal. Before scientists discovered the idea of quarantining sicknesses, the Bible already gave strict provisions about the process in terms of dealing with people who had contagious skin diseases.

To illustrate, we will be looking at some of the health laws listed out in the Bible. They are found in what is known as the Laws of Moses. For example, in the writings, there is a distinction made between clean and unclean animals. Some believe that the animals were categorized arbitrarily, or at least by some irrational method, and that they were merely for cultural purposes. Interestingly, the book goes on to explain that if the people followed those laws, they would be spared from the diseases that were so common in other nations. As such, their good health would serve as an example to other peoples as a testimony to a God who loved them enough to teach them how to be healthy. Basic examples and their scientific explanations are:

1. The Old Testament lists out clean and unclean animals that may and may not be eaten, respectively. The clean animals are described as those who chew the cud and who have split hooves. Technically, this refers to animals known as ruminants, or those who graze, and whose digestive tracts have been designed to turn grass into meat for humans. Meanwhile, the unclean animals are typically carnivores and scavengers, which can transmit dangerous diseases to men.

In terms of fish, the writings allow those that have fins and scales while prohibiting anything that does not have one or the other. This is because the scales actually keep harmful substances outside of the fish’s body, while fins allow the fish to swim away should they find themselves in an environment with toxins.

In contrast, fish that do not have fins and scales are actually cleaners, such as the catfish. Shellfish are also excluded for not having fins and scales, because they are generally filter feeders that work to purify water, which means that their tissues generally contain bacteria and viruses, if not poisonous chemicals! In terms of birds, those that are prohibited are also generally scavengers. In summary, it would seem that the writings prohibited human beings from eating the organisms designed to do clean-up duty to make sure we don’t ingest the harmful chemicals!

2. The Bible also tells the people not to eat fat or blood, while encouraging plant foods intake. Interestingly, the health risks of too much fat in one’s system have only been discovered this last century. Also, the leaning towards grains pointed to the positive effects of complex carbohydrates for energy-formation as well as supplying us with ample fiber and amino acids for our bodybuilding needs!

3. There are even instructions concerning childbirth, which gives days wherein the mother is deemed “unclean.” They turn out to fit very well into modern scientific discoveries about disease prevention following childbirth. Calling a woman unclean after having given birth meant that whoever touched her was required to go through a thorough “ceremonial” washing, which obviously benefited the midwife, as washing meant she was keeping proper hygiene and prevented transferring disease-causing pathogens to the baby. During the period of “uncleanness,” the mother also got time to regain her strength and to develop a feeding routine!

There are still many more “coincidences” as science finds more links towards better health outlined in sacred writings, and it would perhaps benefit us as well to apply them, especially those that have also been proven by science.

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