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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


fever is a normal body temperature, when measured by an oral thermometer, is between 36.5 ° C and 37 ° C. You said to suffer from a fever when your body temperature over 37 ° C (37.8 ° C or more when measured rectum).

In newborns, the controlling body temperature is not well developed. Consequently, in addition to signs of fever - appetite, lethargy, irritability and poor - could be an early indicator of infection and more helpful than the temperature in assessing the condition of the newborn.

The function of fever in most cases, fever is the body's natural reaction to acute viral or bacterial infection and not always regarded as a dangerous condition in itself. Conversely, fever is a sign that the body is defending itself against infectious invaders.

Since viruses and bacteria can not survive well in the body with a high temperature, fever is actually an ally in fighting infection. High temperatures also increase production of infection-fighting white blood cells and even increase the speed of response and increase the capacity to kill them.

Penyebabkan fever caused by various factors. Dehydration, fatigue, mosquito bites, bee stings, allergic or toxic reactions and viral or bacterial infection only a few. Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is a condition defined as a high temperature that lasted for three weeks or more without an identifiable cause.

Overcoming fever
Paracetamol (found in Tylenol, Panado and drug over-the-counter, etc.) is a drug that helps to reduce fever. Paracetamol is also a (pain relief), analgesics, making it easier for discomfort and body aches that often accompany a fever. It is available in liquid or pill form, as well as in the form of suppositories for infants.

Note: In excessive amounts, these drugs can cause liver damage. Be careful to not exceed the proper dosage for your child's age and size.

Ibuprofen (Advil, Nuprin, etc.) are fever-reducing drugs that relieve mild to moderate aches and pains. Be sure to take the medicine with food to prevent stomach irritation. Ibuprofen is available in liquid or pill form. Follow the dosage instructions on product labels.

Do not give aspirin to children with fever. Many fevers caused by viral infections, and the combination of aspirin and viral illness have been associated with the development of Reye's syndrome, a progressive liver disease and very dangerous.

Home care
Administer paracetamol to reduce fever 40 ° C or higher. Do not use / give in higher doses or more often than directed.

It is very important to maintain fluid balance, so drink plenty of water or fruit juice.

For temperatures above 40 ° C, bath or sponge the skin with warm water (not cold water). Evaporation will have a cooling effect.

Stay home and rest.

Remove the extra layer of clothing.

When to call the doctor about a fever
If the newborn has a temperature (or low) is raised.

If the patient is a child under the age of six months.

When fever is accompanied by stiff neck, confusion, lack of energy, difficulty in awakening or inconsolability.

When people with fever and show signs of febrile seizures: the stiff muscles throughout the body, the eyes may roll, your child's head may be snapped, hands and / or feet can tap, and loss of bowel and urine control may occur.

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