Japan Begins Quake Relief Mission
A mammoth relief mission is swinging into action in north-east Japan, a day after it was struck by a devastating tsunami, claiming hundreds of lives. The disaster was triggered by an 8.9-magnitude earthquake.
Global Warming
Total consumption of fossil fuels in the world increased by 1 percent per year. The measures carried out or being discussed at this time there is nothing to prevent global warming in the future. The current challenge is to overcome the effects that arise while carrying out the steps to prevent further climate change in the future.
AU Reiterates Support For Sudan Peace
The African Union (AU) on Wednesday reiterated its support for stability and peace in Sudan regardless of south Sudan referendum`s result, which is widely believed would lead to separation of the region.
Japan quake death toll tops 4.000
he number of people unaccounted for as of Wednesday stands at around 12,000. International rescue teams have been arriving to Japan to join an all-out relief effort, with the Russian team by far the largest.
Three people were killed in a collision
Three people were killed in a collision between Mutiara Selatan and Kutojaya Selatan trains in Kota Banjar railway, West Java, early on Friday.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Get Good Quality Sleep Tips
Diabetes and Heart Disease
Friday, October 12, 2012
Messi in Madrid Legend Threshold Break Record
Messi and Aguero Jungkalkan Uruguay